19 March 2007

restore emailaccounts from backup in directadmin

We mirror our production servers with rsync. So on our backupserver we have a copy of the complete filesystem of our production servers.

To restore all emailaccounts of a direactadmin user the following directories have to be copied back from the backup- to the production server:


To copy the files back to the productionservers we use the following rsync command

rsync -avzI --numeric-ids --ignore-errors --force local/path/ user@production.server.com:/remote/path

05 March 2007

Speedup Mac OS X Mail.app

  1. Quit Mail & go to Terminal.

  2. Issue the following commands:
    cd ~/Library/Mail
    sqlite3 Envelope\ Index

  3. You will be dropped in an sqlite> prompt.

  4. Now issue the command vacuum subjects; (this will do something like OPTIMIZE TABLES in MySQL).

  5. Hit Ctrl-D to exit SQLite, exit Terminal and start Mail again